Cold, cough, headache, joint pain, backache and allergies could be related to a change in weather conditions like cool stormy days and warm nights. But people seem to be little bothered about these health issues because there are quick medicines to help.
Knee arthroscopy is a surgical practice that can analyze and treat problems in the knee joint at the same time. In the procedure, your surgeon will make a small incision and inserts a tiny camera that is often called the arthroscope into the knees. Through this camera, they can view the inside of the joint […]
The intervertebral discs are shock-absorbing cushions between each vertebra of the spine. Each disc has outer strong ring of fibres, called annulus fibroses and it has a soft jelly like centre called nucleus pulpous. The annulus is a strong disc that connects each vertebra together. The disc has a nucleus at the centre which distributes […]
People suffering from epilepsy, whose fits arises from the temporal lobe of the brain area, also have high chance that their seizures that cannot be prohibited with anti-seizure medication alone. Surgeries in such cases are a well-known procedure and have also the good results. The patients are evaluated with a number of tests which will […]