Knee Arthroscopy

What is Knee Arthroscopy Step-by-Step

Updated on January 26, 2017      Admin

Knee arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure by which the knee is examined with an arthroscopic camera, and its inner structures are displayed on a monitor. With the use of arthroscopic instruments, these structures are felt, trimmed and shaved, torn parts can be sutured in place, and damaged tissue, loose fragments of bone and cartilage and foreign bodies can be removed.

Knee Arthroscopy

The main purpose of an arthroscopic procedure on the knee is to improve the patient’s quality of life, and to prevent or slow down the wear of the joint which may occur if a disease or injury is not treated in time. An arthroscopic procedure is not indicated in a patient with advanced wear in the knee joint.

Symptoms that lead to Knee Arthroscopy

  • Knee pain is very common in most of the country and particular worse in colder regions. However the patients who need a Total knee Joint Replacement experiences out of control pain that often makes them immovable.
  • The pain usually begins with arthritis and gets worse with time and constant movements.
  • Patient might experience swelling and redness over the knee joints.
  • Patient can’t move, bend or straighten legs without pain.
  • Patient might hear knocking or bucking chuckles in their knee joints.
  • Changes in the weather could affect the pain and the discomfort in patient’s knee joint.

Cause that leads to Knee Arthroscopy

  • Fractures are the most common reason that leads to a patient option for a Total Knee Joint Replacement.
  • Slippage often leads to dislocate the knee and might result in a surgery.
  • Loosening of the joint due to a poor diet, improper lifestyle and lack of exercise.
  • Infection of a knee joint.
  • A blood clot in the vein.

What is treated by knee arthroscopy?

Knee arthroscopy is used mainly in the treatment of a torn meniscus. The knee contains two menisci, one on the inner and one on the outer side of the joint.

The menisci are damaged most frequently during twisting movements combined with bending of the knee. A torn meniscus usually causes a sharp, piercing pain in the knee or even a feeling of catching or locking during movement.


treated by knee arthroscopy

When the torn part of the meniscus becomes impinged in the joint, the knee cannot be extended. Such a patient must undergo an arthroscopy as soon as possible.

During the procedure, the damaged part of the meniscus is removed or, in certain cases, it can also be sutured in place.

In addition to the menisci, an orthopaedic surgeon also assesses the condition of the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments and inspects the synovial membrane, removing any thickened areas (synovial folds or plicae).


Sometimes surgeon may cut off a piece of inflamed synovial tissue and send it for histological examination. Consultant surgeon has also assessed the condition of the articular cartilage, looking for possible damage and wear.

If the cartilage is flaking off Consultant surgeon smooth it with a special instrument to obtain firm edges. In certain cases surgeon may remove a piece of articular cartilage and send it to the laboratory, where new cells are cultured from it, which are then returned into the knee (autologous chondrocyte transplantation).


treated by knee arthroscopy

A well demarcated and sufficiently small cartilage defect can sometimes be treated by the microfracture technique, which involves making minute holes in the bone surface at the site of the lesion, thus allowing growth factors from the bone to come to the area and form scar cartilage.


Knee arthroscopy is a revolutionary approach to treating various knee problems, offering patients a chance to regain mobility and lead a pain-free life. By understanding the procedure, preparing adequately, and actively participating in the recovery process, individuals can optimize the benefits of knee arthroscopy.

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