Hip Arthroscopy

Hip Arthroscopy Reasons & Symptoms Step-by-Step

Updated on January 22, 2017      Admin

Hip Arthroplasty is the surgical replacement of arthritic or destructive or necrotic joint or joint surface with prosthesis. Arthroscopic techniques have found wide applicability in both large and small joints of the body.

Hip Arthroscopy

The hip is encased in a dense soft tissue envelope that makes the introduction of arthroscopic instruments challenging.

Principles and Application of Hip Arthroscopy

During hip replacement, an orthopaedic surgeon removes the damaged sections of hip joint and replaces them with parts usually constructed of metal and very hard plastic. This artificial joint (prosthesis) helps reduce pain and improve function.

Selection of patient for hip arthroscopy includes:

Loose bodies- Removal of loose bodies represents the clearest indication for hip arthroscopy. The diagnosis is usually evident with currently available imaging techniques including arthrography or arthro-CT scan. Once diagnosed, the importance of loose body removal has been well documented. Arthrotomy for debridement carries greater associated morbidity than hip arthroscopy

Labral tears- Labral tears are more elusive to diagnose than loose bodies. Successful arthroscopic debridement of symptomatic labral tears can produce very gratifying results.

Degenerative disease- Arthroscopic debridement has a limited role in the management of select patients with degenerative disease. It is a palliative and temporizing procedure that may potentially delay the subsequent need for total hip arthroplasty.

Chondral injuries- Similar to labral lesions, the diagnosis of isolated chondral injuries may be elusive. However, when recognized, these injuries represent an excellent indication for arthroscopic management. Arthroscopy has also found a role in select synovial disease and joint sepsis.

Synovial disease- Arthroscopy has also found a role in select synovial disease and joint sepsis. Joint sepsis- Arthroscopy is also helpful for the diagnosis of infectious arthritis, and is usually caused by bacteria, or fungus.

Avascular necrosis- Avascular necrosis is the death of bone tissue due to a lack of blood supply. Avascular necrosis can lead to tiny breaks in the bone and the bone’s eventual collapse is detected by Arthroscopy.

Ruptured ligamentum teres- A ligamentum teres rupture is a severe sprain of the ligament that connects the ball of the hip joint (femoral head) to the hip socket (acetabulum). This type of sprain is usually detected by Arthroscopy.

Unresolved hip pain- Arthroscopy has also been reported for select cases of unresolved hip pain.

Symptoms of Hip Joint failures:

  • Chronic joint pains are the first and foremost indication of an unhealthy Hip joint.
  • The patients are barred to perform daily routine activities like walking, sitting etc.
  • Patients tend to develop severe Hip arthritis.

Symptoms of Hip Joint failures:

  • Inflammation, pains accompanied with swelling is common symptoms.
  • Many patients feel warmer near to the joint areas than the rest of the body.
  • At the time area becomes reddish and cause extreme discomfort.

Reason for Hip Arthroscopy:

  • There could be several reasons that could damage or injure the hip joint. This leads to chronic pain and also makes patients disabled. This condition often required Total Hip Replacement.
  • Arthritis is another major cause that leads to Total Hip Replacement. There are two major types of arthritis that largely makes people suffer, like Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis & Traumatic Arthritis.

Reason for Hip Arthroscopy

  • These along with a sudden trauma or an accident might lead to damage the hip joint because of an intense pressure. This condition is extremely sudden and very painful, so replacement comes as the most vital option in cases like an injury, accident, fall etc that leads to fractures in the hip joint.
  • One of the other causes could be like the increasing age and lifestyle diseases that cause the bone to deform.
  • Childhood issues like development dysplasia, congenital dislocation.


Hip arthroscopy has revolutionized the way hip joint problems are addressed, providing patients with a path to a pain-free life. By opting for this minimally invasive procedure, individuals can regain their mobility and enhance their overall quality of life.

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