COVID-19 COVID-19:- Complete Guide to COVID-19 Vaccine
Updated on September 27, 2021      Aditi Sharma

COVID-19 Vaccine or SARS-CoV-2 is a pandemic that rapidly spread around the globe. Globally majority of the people have been infected with the virus, and the death count is more than 3 million worldwide. Every research by being developing effective vaccines which could provide immunization against this virus.

Approved Vaccines:

A different variant of the vaccine is being used in different countries. In the USA every drug or vaccine is being approved by the food and drug administration also known as FDA. In India

, vaccines are approved by ICMR as well as WHO for public vaccination. Every vaccine needs to pass through a three-phase test, which confirms the effectiveness and safety of the vaccination. According to various studies the phase 3 trial was being done on thousands of people.

First one is Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 vaccine and Moderna covid-19 vaccine. Pfizer-BioNTech was initially being researched and developed in Germany, and it is only authorized for usage in an emergency condition. According to a study the vaccine is 95% effective against the Covid-19 virus. Similarly, ICMR has approved 3 vaccines to be used for vaccination in India in the public phase. The first one was Covaxin, the second one was Covishield and finally, the third one was imported from Germany Sputnik V.

covid-19 vaccine
covid-19 vaccine

In the first phase, Covaxin was used for public vaccination, which is having an efficiency level of 90%. Whereas Covishield is having an efficiency level of 95%. Most of the foreign countries have approved specific vaccines in their country by their health authority. The USA and other countries are only issuing visas after taking the vaccination of Covishield. Even this vaccine was approved by WHO, whereas the status of the Covaxin is still pending.

How safe are the COVID-19 Vaccines?

Every vaccine needs to pass through three levels of trials. After completely passing the trial period the manufacture can apply for approval. Every group of trial period requires thousands of people. Vaccines are carefully tested to identify all the potential risks being done to the body. Vaccines are also being tested on comorbidity-based people to have varied results. After completion of all the vaccines trial period, the majority of the vaccines are having similar side effects which are included below.

  • Swelling in the injection site.
  • Pain in the injection site.
  • Muscle pain.
How safe are the covid-19
How safe are the covid-19

Each vaccine needs to be applied into doses to have maximum effectiveness in the body. In some cases, the second dose has shown worse side effects when the first dose. In a few of the cases, the second dose does not provide much effectiveness of side effects. It is recommended to receive all the vaccination from licensed professionals. Vaccines are available in pharmacies, hospitals, local health departments, and clinics.

If anyone having extra medication or allergies then they need to inform the health centre before taking the COVID-19 vaccine. This will eliminate the risk of any worse effects of the vaccine to people with special health conditions. Any reaction after taking the vaccine needs to be reported immediately for emergency care.

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