Hip Arthroscopy Treatment with the help of Hip Arthroscopy
Updated on January 24, 2017      Admin

Hip Arthroscopy is done by a well versed and practiced orthopaedic surgeon who makes an opening into the hip joint and hereby replaces the damaged hip joint with a artificial joint made out of materials like ceramic or metal at times. This is a short surgery that takes no more than 1 hour.

After taking the medical history of the patient’s which includes allergic detail, heredity disorders, pathological and physiological history etc, patients are required to be empty stomach for at least 8 hours prior to the surgery.

Sedatives are given prior to the planned surgery to help the patients for the purpose of relaxation.

Post the surgery there is certain down time given that varies as per patients. They are required to slow down and let the wound of the surgery heal down.

The patients must take a proper diet, recommended antibiotic medicines and adequate rest in order to get back on feet easily.

How Hip Arthroscopy works

  • Hip Arthroscopy certainly works and offers its benefits. It is directly proportionate to the patient’s pain and moving abilities. Most of the ideal patients for this treatment range between the age of 50-80 years. The doctors pick on these patients as per their individual medical histories, complications, regular medications, diseases etc.
  • The treatment helps in reducing the pain and enhances the ability to perform the daily activities.

How Hip Arthroscopy works

  • The stiffness in the Hip joint reduces significantly and makes the patients move and lift their leg freely and easily.
  • Hip arthroscopy is all the more beneficial once clubbed with physiotherapy, walking supports, medications, adequate weight and a positive mind.

Alternatives to hip replacement

Alternatives to hip replacement

While total hip replacement can be helpful under the right circumstances, you should only consider it after a discussion of the risks, benefits, and alternatives with a healthcare provider.

Nonsurgical treatment

Nonsurgical treatment methods are initially recommended for people with hip problems due to osteoarthritis or other conditions. Nonsurgical treatments for people with osteoarthritis include

Nonsurgical treatment

Weight loss or maintenance of a healthy weight

Physical therapy

Use of an assistive device (such as a cane or walker)

Pain-relieving medications

Glucocorticoid (steroid) injection into the painful joint

 Surgical alternatives

Surgical alternatives

There are a few surgical alternatives to total hip replacement. Surgical alternatives to hip replacement, such as hip fusion or osteotomy, may be considered in people who are very young or in whom a hip replacement may not be durable enough to last for many years and/or may not withstand an active lifestyle. Total hip resurfacing is another option for younger patients. The best surgical procedure depends upon the reasons for which the joint deteriorated.

Total hip replacement complications

Serious complications after hip replacement surgery are not common and can be minimized by choosing an interventional orthopaedic surgeon who is experienced and who performs the procedure frequently and by choosing a hospital that is experienced in caring for patients before, during, and after surgery.

Complications can occur during surgery, in the immediate postoperative period, or many years after surgery. It is important to understand these potential risks before deciding to undergo hip replacement. For most patients, the benefits of reduced pain and improved function outweigh the small risk of complications

Complications during surgery

Very rarely, complications can occur during the actual hip replacement procedure. These include fractures (typically of the femur) and injury to the surrounding nerves or blood vessels. Most of these complications can be treated during the course of the surgery.

Blood clots — People who undergo hip replacement are at increased risk for developing blood clots after surgery. With appropriate preventive treatments, only about 1 percent of people will develop a blood clot.

Infection — Infection following hip replacement is uncommon (between 0.4 and 1.5 percent of patients). Antibiotics are routinely given (during the first 24 hours only) to help prevent infection.

Dislocation– Dislocation of the artificial hip joint can occur if the ball becomes dislodged from the socket. Dislocation occurs in less than 2 percent of patients. In most cases, an orthopedic surgeon can move the joint back into place while the patient is sedated.

To minimize the risk of dislocation, some patients are given specific precautions related to the motion of the hip. The particular precautions depend upon how surgery is performed and should be discussed with orthopaedic surgeon.

Loosening — Loosening of the joint implant is most often caused by wear of the prosthetic components. It is the most common long-term problem associated with total hip replacement, although the number of people who develop loosening is decreasing as prosthetic materials and surfaces are improved.

Breakage — Breakage of the implant itself can occur as a result of wear and tear of the prosthesis, often over the course of years. Older implants are more likely to break, while newer prostheses are stronger and more durable. This is a rare occurrence, with less than 0.5 percent of people experiencing breakage.

Change in leg length – Before, during, and after hip replacement surgery, a surgeon carefully measures the length of your legs in an attempt to make them equal length. However, in rare cases, the procedure results in one leg being slightly longer than the other. Some people with a significant difference in leg length find that wearing a lift in one shoe is helpful.

Joint stiffening — Joint stiffening caused by extra bone formation, also called heterotopic ossification, is a process in which some soft tissues around the hip harden into bone. People with this problem may experience hip stiffness or may feel no discomfort at all. If patient are at risk for joint stiffening patient’s healthcare provider may recommend a preventive treatment.


hip arthroscopy stands as a beacon of hope for individuals grappling with hip joint disorders. Its minimally invasive nature, coupled with advanced techniques, has revolutionized the way hip conditions are treated. By opting for hip arthroscopy, patients can look forward to a pain-free future filled with improved mobility and enhanced quality of life.

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